Greetings to all who happen to stumble upon this digital page! My name is Aaron, and I think it's high time I actually do a little writing for a change. Considering I went to school to write for a living, I've been putting off any actual writing for some reason or another. Probably just video games and other such roadblocks. Yeah, that. So I think it's time to dust off the keyboard and actually do something constructive for once.
What to I hope to accomplish with this blog? Well, that's up for debate. Right now, I'm thinking it's a good idea to just throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks.. My interests are all over the place, so having this blog be multipurpose might be a good idea for the time being. Maybe I'll write an opinion piece, or a game review, or a straight up rant. It's up in the air. I like to think of it how I handled my undergraduate degree. I basically tried to do as much as I could and kept myself open to awesome things that came my way. I guess that's why I did radio at Wright State for so long.
Because I totally have a face for radio, right? |
Chances are that the following posts will be pretty nerdy in nature, so keep that in mind. If nerdy stuff isn't your thing, that's fine. I'm going to keep a schedule of at least a post a week to keep myself going. But I hope you will stay tuned for what I have in store, whatever it may be. It should be a fun ride!
- Aaron
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